Simple Strategies to Handle Comprehension Cloze

Exam Management · Dec 15, 2022

Are you finding it difficult to score high in PSLE English comprehension cloze? It is indeed one of the most challenging parts of the PSLE English examination. It involves reading a vast amount of information, understanding it, and answering precisely. But you need not fret anymore. There are a few smart moves to help you crack this part of PSLE English effortlessly. Studysmart provides the best guidance for students in Singapore to ace comprehension cloze in PSLE English. Keep reading to learn how to make informed decisions before filling in the blanks.

A Brief Explanation About Comprehension Cloze

The hardest part of PSLE English Paper 2’s Booklet B are the passages of comprehension cloze. P5 students find it very challenging as the cloze passages are complicated compared to what they face in P4. A majority of the students do not know how to deal with it.

Students see the passage transforming from a quarter of a page to one whole page as they move to P5. Unless candidates break down the entire passage and look for clues, they won’t get the answers right and finish the paper on time. But as not every child will be able to do it meticulously, it is essential to teach them right from the beginning of P5 simple strategies to follow and score high in this section.

The comprehension cloze blanks have to be filled with words belonging to the following categories. They include:

1. Synonyms or antonyms2. Collocations3. Connectors4. Backward or forward referencing5. Overall comprehension6. Grouping

Reading the passage completely with full concentration is always recommended before attempting to answer the questions. By doing so, a student will be able to understand the shared passage’s story properly. This acquired knowledge about the passage will help students to come up with specific words and use proper vocabulary.

Picture of a happy Asian elementary school student studying in a classroom environment.

Ways to Score Better in Comprehension Cloze

Follow the steps given below to score high in PSLE English’s comprehension cloze.

Synonyms or Antonyms

Words with the same meaning are called synonyms, whereas words with opposite meanings are called antonyms. Students must understand whether they are asking for antonym or synonym and fill in the blank appropriately. They have to make logical conclusions using contextual clues by referring to both the front and back of the blank.


Words used together are called collocations. For example, to get along, make a difference, to look up to somebody, etc. English language learners normally memorise and use these phrases in the required scenarios. When students encounter these phrases, they should read carefully and analyse the words after and before the blank. If the gap needs to be filled with a verb, the student must determine when the action is taking place and then write the verb in the correct tense.


Connectors are unique phrases or words that connect two clauses or words. A few of the connectors indicate the contrasting meaning. For example: in contrast, unlike, on the other hand, etc.). There are some connectors that compare two things, and these include words like similarly, as, equally, etc. Some connectors add more information, denote time, show direction, and do other functions. Thus, a student has to pay close attention and see what kind of connector is required.

Let us discuss a few conjunctions and connectors here to see how they link ideas. “And” connects two events and is a conjunction. For example, “Tina can dance and play guitar.” Connectors like “because” bring together a cause and effect. For example, “Tina laughed because she won the prize.”

Backward & Forward Referencing

Words that refer to people, objects, and events mentioned backward or forward in the passage fall under this category. Analysing words before and after the blanks is necessary in PSLE comprehension cloze.Mostly, if students read thoroughly, they will realise that the clues for the answers to the blanks are around the blanks. Understanding this basic strategy, students must look out for clues accordingly. They have to apply connectors, synonyms, or antonyms to fill in the blanks.


Grouping requires more attention. Words belonging to a similar category belong to grouping. When such terms are present in the passage, the blank will most likely have to be filled with a grouping word. Students must start listing the same group using “for example,” “like,” and “such as.” A few blanks, however, test the candidate to find out whether they have understood the entire passage’s comprehension. In such circumstances, students must read the previous para and fill in the blank.

Also Read : Tips to Manage PSLE English Composition

Additional Tips to Help Students Score Well in Comprehension Cloze

If you discover the areas where your child is committing mistakes, you will be able to guide them through and prevent them from making the same errors. Taking them past those tricky questions is a huge responsibility for every parent regarding PSLE English. Here are some additional tips to help your children score well in comprehension cloze.

  • Consistent practice makes a student perform well in comprehension cloze. When the examination dates get closer, you have to make your child focus on areas in which they are already strong. Learning new strategies and skills at the last minute might make them concentrate less on their strengths and gain low scores.
  • As an aspiring parent, you must encourage your kid to read the passage by thoroughly imbibing the concept. Most of the time, students read with so much intensity that they get confused by focusing more on minor details than the major ones. The time spent on reading is crucial as it will have a positive impact on the way they reflect and write.
  • Teach your child to pay more attention to tenses, passive/active sentence formations, and grammar. Ask them to concentrate and fill the nouns in singular wherever required and the verbs in their correct tenses.
  • Adequate background knowledge will help students move fast through the cloze passage. This will enable them to look for contextual clues and answer with great ability without wasting time.


Nothing is impossible! Cloze passages are tough, but everybody can ace them with consistent practice and a little effort. You can start training your ward along with the teacher’s guidance if you want them to score high. As students read, speak and write more in English, their knowledge of the language grows stronger. For children who find it difficult to decode the answers, keep motivating them and make them perform wonders through regular training. Feel free to check Studysmart, which offers numerous tips for students in Singapore to perform better in PSLE English.

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